A downloadable prototype

Our team made some significant progress this week! We prototyped the graphic design of our cards, got a few illustrations finished, draw out a prototype game UI, produced over 100 different SFX (!),  tested a paper prototype of our game, and built functionality for the player to select and play cards.

1) Graybox 

Our graybox is a bit non-traditional. Since we're making a card game, it made a lot more sense for us to print out a paper prototype of our cards, rather than block out level geometry. We played the game with 2 players and got some great feedback for balancing - it's nice to be able to start on that as soon as possible.

2) Beautiful Corner

Our artists designed several fantastic illustrations for our cards, developed a prototype layout for card info, and put together a first draft of the game's UI.

3) Minimum Viable Product

Our programmers worked on building basic functionality for managing turns and turn phases, moving cards around, and representing decks and hands in virtual space. We also developed 2 prototype behavior flowcharts for our AI players - one simple and easy to play against, one complex and difficult to beat.

All described ideation materials are included below. Here's our notion board if you want to see even more:


A game by Team 1-W

Evan E (gamingtime)
Cass (cracklycms)
Tucker (tuckcedo)
Liv (majungasawrus)
CC (guyferari)
Simi (simishcj)
Hannah (hannahrose1124)


Paper Prototype Art and AI Wireframe.pdf 1.7 MB
Engine Demo.mp4 1.2 MB

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